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Talk to a Firearms Dealer Now
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Talk to Me
Thank you for visiting my website. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach me anytime. You may also leave me a message by filling out the inquiry form on this page. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Dean Gabey​
Dean Gabey​
Former certified athletic trainer and golf professional now engaging in passion in life... firearm maintenance and training. I am a Class 1 FFL Dealer, sales and certified instructor. I've been a teacher for years at many facets and it is my goal to aid the consumer in all firearm fitting, safety, training and needs!

Contact Information
Contact Information
Dean Gabey, Owner
DBG Firearms
11721 W. 122nd Place
Cedar Lake, Indiana 46303
Phone: 219-765-3479
Email: steelerdino@gmail.com

Hours of Operation
Hours of Operation
Tuesdays - Fridays 10:00-6:00PM
Saturdays: 9:00 AM – 5:00PM
-NO Appointment necessary Wed/Sat. (call first)
Areas Served
Areas Served
Cedar Lake, St. John, Crown Point, Lowell & South County NWI Region
Inquiry Form
Inquiry Form